The Lawn ‘Virgin’ does Watering!

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Lawn Watering – how hard can it be, right?


Somehow I’ve stuffed this up too!

My lawn is water logged but I still have brown patches.


“Should I be watering more or less?” I ask Bill the Lawn GuruLawnWatering

“Well, it’s not quite as simple as that” he drawls, amused

“There are three main things you need to consider…”

“Yes…” I prompt, waiting.

He continues

“You need to consider soil type, climate and season.”

Hmm…  Maybe it’s not as simple as I thought.

“You have clay based soil, like most here in Townsville, North Queensland.  It’s very prone to water-logging and goes well with moderate watering.  On the other hand, if your soil was sand based, then you would need to water more often due to quicker drainage and less water retained by the soil.  Loamy soil is best.  Its water retention and drainage potential is perfectly suited to the Townsville climate.”

“What’s the deal with the Townsville climate?”  I ask

“It’s very hot” he says.

No kidding.

“and very wet and then very dry.  This means that you’re watering will need to be adjusted according to the time of year.  And don’t forget it’s always best to water first thing in the morning.  That way your lawn will retain the water far longer.”

“There’s one more secret that’ll make your life a whole lot easier” he continues.

Easier sounds good to me.

“How do you get water to your plants?”  He asks.

“Through council water pipes” I answer. (maybe he’s not as bright as I first thought)

He sighs?

That’s the sound that reminds me straight away which of us is the Newbie and which of us is the Guru.  Uh-oh.

“I meant, do you use a sprinkler or hose?”

Well, of course.

“Actually, I just showed my neighbour how to move the sprinklers while I am away.”  I say, proudly.

“Then you’re wasting your time”

“With a Set and Forget irrigation system, your watering is automatically adjusted to suit the season.  It covers a far greater area at a time, with much greater efficiency.  That means bye-bye brown patches.”

“So my brown patches will turn green?”  I ask, excitedly.

“That’s right.  Fortunately you have planted Broad-leaf Buffalo grass, so it should revive in no time.  It’s perfectly suited to the Townsville climate.  Of course, if you have lost some lawn, a watering system will help establish any new lawn.  And it’s easy to ‘Keep off the Grass’ when you have a watering system. “

If you need a hand installing an irrigation system, call Bill on 0418 777 003 or email him at

